
  • Foged Kjeldgaard posted an update 2 years, 7 months ago

    Tropical Phone Repair – Miami Beach Cellphone Repair shop specializing in iPhone Repair, Samsung Galaxy repair Screen Covers and Accessories! Cellphone repair ’s newest CPR (cell phone repair shop) is located on 1507 Washington Avenue and 15th Street. As the new kids on the block our we pride ourselves of offering you quality service for your electronic needs with quick turnaround time while using only high-quality parts from some leading manufacturers like Apple or Sony Ericsson to make sure that all members are satisfied before leaving their store which also goes by “Best Of 2011″ award winner thanks to its customers satisfaction rate

    The new CPR is the best in town! Located on 1507 Washington Avenue and 15th street, we pride ourselves for our quick service. If your device needs typical screen repair or back light replacement with battery problems then come see us as well; just give us call at +13053978472to schedule an appointment ahead of time so that you don’t end up waiting too long when it comes down to fixing those pesky electronics .

    Our Mobile Phone Repair Experts are standing by ready help fix any electronic problem such as iphone 5s broken glass + water damage, samsung galaxy note 3 exploded –water.

    A South Florida cell phone repair shop specializing in iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and more. We pride ourselves on giving you the best service possible for your electronic needs! Cellphone repair of experts are always available to help with screen repairs as well as battery replacement or other water damage that has been caused by heavy rains this year . just call ahead if there’s anything else I might assist y’all out with today!!

    If your device isn’t covered under warranty then don’t hesitate come see us—we offer discounts all day long!”